Virgo And Sapphire Zodiac

Virgo And Sapphire Zodiac

Hello Lovelies,

Last month we talked about Leo and Peridot. This month we will be discussing Virgo and Sapphire.

Virgo is from August 23rd – September 22nd

Virgo is known for their calculated ideas, they will look at almost every situation with logic, facts, and a down to earth perspective. Unless the situation involves people they care about, which causes all reason to fly out the window. Thus, activating their people pleasing nature. Thanks to their element being earth their stubbornness tends to stand in their way. 

Virgo is the first zodiac sign to be represented by a ‘person’ opposed to a creature. In Latin the word Virgo translates to, ‘virginis,’ or, ‘virgin,’ while in other cultures the word translates to ‘maiden.’ Insinuating that the persona of Virgo is pure, and innocent. Ruling this sign with a gentle and compassionate hand.
We see this in a multitude of myths in Greece, and Hindu.

Within the first depiction Virgo is represented by the Greek myth of Persephone due to its representation to the maiden of harvest. When Persephone is on earth the world is said to be plentiful and warm, (when Virgo is present in the sky). However, when Persephone returns to the Underworld, the earth is said to grow cold and baren, (when the constellation is unable to be seen).

In another Greek myth Virgo is associated with Astraea, the last immortal being to leave earth. Thus, earning the zodiac sign its element of earth.

Within the third astrological myth Virgo is said to closely represent the Hindu constellation Kanya Rashi. Also known as the, ‘maiden’ in Hindu. She is seen holding a scythe and a bundle of wheat. Once again showing the symbolism of purity and purification. Preparing for the end of the harvest season for winter.

Due to what we’ve learned about Virgo it only makes since that Sapphire is paired with this constellation. Sapphire is known to be the wisdom crystal. Not only does it offer guidance to individuals who feel overwhelmed, it also shows a clear path forward.

Sapphire also reminds Virgos to find balance in what others expect of them and what they want from life. Creating healthy boundaries is necessary with friends and family as well as within the workplace. Change can be scary but remember that new things can not grow during periods of stagnation.

Next month we will be discussing the zodiac sign Libra and the crystal Lapis Lazuli!

Until next time Art Cult,
Suzen’s Art Shop LLC

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