What Are Coloring Pages?

What Are Coloring Pages?

Hello Lovelies,

A few months ago we were bouncing around the idea of creating coloring books. Recently, we have had many people ask if we were still considering the idea. Or at the very least, willing to create individual digital coloring pages. 

What are digital coloring pages? 
That's a great question! Coloring pages are single digital files you can purchase and then download. From there you can decide to color them digitally, or print them and use traditional art supplies. 
By offering downloadable coloring pages it allows us the ability to test a few concepts before committing to a hard copy coloring book idea. 

How / where can you get them?
We plan to offer the coloring pages on Patreon. It allows us more creative freedom with the pages, while also giving us the necessary feedback to create the perfect coloring book. 

When will they be available?
We don't have a  release date for the coloring books or individual coloring pages just yet. However, just like with our Discord and our Tarot Deck project, we're working on it! We will give updates regarding the coloring pages as soon as we can. Trust us, we are just as excited about this project as you are!

Be sure to follow our social medias to stay up to date with the process. Or join our loyalty program to be sure not to miss the release dates!

Until next time Art Cult,
-Suzen's Art Shop 

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